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Company Inaugural Meeting

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This service costs R 228.00. This form will be added as "Company Inaugural Meeting" in your basket.
Please make sure information on this form is entered correctly as we rely heavily on information supplied. Incorrect information will cause a delay in the service.

The following director was appointed as chairman and will chair this and all future meetings

The initial directors would like to appoint the following shareholder(s) for the above company

Important info regarding shareholders and issuing of shares

Please note: Shareholders own the company. A company must have shareholder(s). On the other hand it is the director(s) responsibility to manage the company in the best interest of the shareholders. Director(s) must act in a responsible manner and with skill or they can be held personally liable Shareholder and director can be the same person(s).

Issuing of shares: A 1000 shares was authorized upon incorporation, therefore there may never be more shares issued. Normally equal amount of shares is issued if shareholders must have equal shares, e.g 100 shares to each shareholder, the rest of the shares can be left as unallocated should additional shares need to be issued at a later stage. It can be any amount of shares per shareholder as long as total shares don’t exceed 1000 shares.

All fields are mandatory.

Shareholder Information



The following person was appointed as public officer

Important info regarding public officer

The Public Officer Definition: A Public officer is elected or appointed to represent a company with regards to tax and compliance issues, and is answerable for all actions on behalf of the company.

Every company conducting business or operating an office in South Africa must at all times be represented by a public officer. Public officers must be a director of a private company.

Public officers represent company's interests when dealing with SARS in terms of section 101 of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962. The public officer of a company is responsible for full compliance by the company with the act and requirements by SARS. The Income Tax Act requires that the position of public officer is appointed at all times. Vacancy of the public officer position needs to be filled within 14 days and SARS must be notified of the new appointment.

- you need to be logged in for this to work.

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Link Registered Representative with SARS

we can now assist taxpayers to link registered representatives of an entity with sars. this is a recent requirement from sars.

ROE 2023 figures can now be submitted

filing season of roe's starts from


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